For the Awaken project I used existing art work, and created a collateral marketing set including packaging, postcards, business cards, and a Facebook page, for this fictional artisan soap company.


Transformation is a annual Student research and Creativity conference held every Spring at SUNY Cortland. This collateral package project was to develop original design artwork for the conference to use on posters, Instagram story and profile image, and the conference catalog book front and back cover , as well as a tote bag.

Blackberry Smoke is a Southern Rock Band. I created these collateral pieces using my own original photography the photographic choice was inspired by their song “Sleeping Dogs” which is feature on this album. I recolored the wolves eyes to make them a brighter shade of the existing color and then matched the text to this color. I created album art which was then mocked up in the CD jewel case and a square format poster.